tcler's blog --- 其实我是一个程序员
Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.

distcc and distcc-server on fedora howto

try out jira cli tools

dhclient deprecated and what's replacement

ping issue in one direction on my Guest VM (记一次虚拟机单向ping通的问题)

qemu-system-aarch64: unable to map backing store for guest RAM: Permission denied

gocr vs tesseract-ocr

glib main/event loop learning

convert ofd to pdf

compile linux upstream kernel

convert vmdk image to qcow2

top's screen width in script

get/change the useragent(user agent) of browser

libvirt loongarch support

How do I optimize the speed of batch downloading files

glib learning (glib 入坑)

install fedora-38 loongarch64 on x86_64 HOST with qemu-system-loongarch64

Emulate unplugging a device with qemu-kvm

Install WeChat on Fedora Linux 37

Success Hackintosh macOS Big Sur 11.7.4 in P310S Series SYVVZ + Intel Core i5-10400

grub2: set/add default kernel options over update how to

virt-install: boot from nvme(emulated) device how to

remove wartermark image from pdf by using PyMuPDF

start FreeBSD riscv64 VM on x86_64 linux host

start fedora riscv64 VM on x86_64 linux host

Automatically install windows 11 in KVM

Lisp Macro 的故事

best xml generators IMO

Ownership of qcow2 images created by virt-clone is root

mount image file without root permission

create any filesystem in disk image as a non-root user

Slackware-15 install package non-interactive

bash-4.4 new feature ${parameter@operator} ${param@Q}

virtio-win drivers for Windows-7

passthru sound card into KVM guest on Fedora

Install Windows 11 on KVM from command line

NFS over Soft iWARP setup

Configuring the Date and Time on Modern Linux

Deskmini-H110 定屏死机问题的 调查和解决

NFS over SoftRoCE setup

Use Cases of OCR In Our Test Automation

Install FreeBSD-12.1 in libvirt/KVM

Netapp ONTAP simulator on libvirt/KVM

why bind mounting a directory with itself

http server could not find krb5 credential cache file 的问题调查经过

Windows 10 WSL Fedora 开箱

udev 固定网口名 and 不依赖 network 服务的网络设置

keyrings and nfsidmap

IRC proxy JBouncer 介绍

Fedora-28 glibc/regex 库更新导致问题 早有预谋?

RH442(性能调优) 学习笔记

搭建 PXE server(tftp+dhcp)

从 git repo 获取子目录内容

bash 并行(parallel-process-in-bash)

python selenium 初体验

pynfs 介绍

getFileChecksum in java

Open/read file by inode

Bugzilla curl login and search - how to

Windows 10 OpenSSH 试用

bash 中找 substring

edit countdown line how to in bash

systemtap 修改系统调用参数

NetApp pnfs mds ds 配置

NetApp 系统概念和基本命令行操作