tcler's blog --- 其实我是一个程序员
Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.

从 git repo 获取子目录内容

git archive

git archive --remote=${gitrepo} <branch> a/b/c | tar xvf -

不过 git archive 不支持 http/https 协议,所以如果 github 下载 subdir 就不行了

svn export

# must replace 'tree/master' or 'blob/master' with trunk
# svn export ${gitpath/????\/master/trunk} [new_path_name]
$ gitpath=
$ LANG=C svn export ${gitpath/????\/master/trunk} lustre-racer.orig
A    lustre-racer.orig
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
A    lustre-racer.orig/
Exported revision 11168.