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start fedora riscv64 VM on x86_64 linux host

problems I hitted while tring start fedora riscv64 VM (HOST: Fedora-36.x86_64)

Few weeks ago, I tried to start fedora riscv64 VM by using kiss-vm (according fedora-wiki) but it always reported some errors, today after many attempts, finally found the cause of these errors:

  • error 1: “ERROR this function is not supported by the connection driver: ‘riscv64’ architecture is not supported by CPU driver”
    This error is caused by my default virt-install –vcpus=4,sockets=1 option; only use –vcpus=$N fix it.

  • error 2: “qemu-system-riscv64: Some ROM regions are overlapping These ROM regions might have been loaded by direct user request or by default. “
    This error is caused by newer qemu-system-riscv64, append qemu option ‘-bios none’ will fix it
    according: fedora-devel mail-list

  • error 3: “dm_pci_hose_probe_bus: Internal error, bus ‘pci_1:0.0’ got seq 16, expected 2”
    This error is caused by virt-install option ‘–video=qxl’, remove this option or change the value from ‘qxl’ to ‘none’ will fix it.

command line examples by using kiss-vm, virt-install and qemu-system-riscv64 (Update: 2023-12-07)

according latest fedora-riscv-wiki and fedora-koji, fedora-riscv build has been updated to fedora-38/fedora-39. And the install/start methods also have been updated. try again and record here:

host prepare (Fedora-39.x86-64): install qemu libvirt …

curl -s|sudo bash && sudo vm prepare

download fedora riscv image koji-url

unxz Fedora-Developer-38-20230825.n.0-sda.raw.xz
virt-customize -a  Fedora-Developer-38-20230825.n.0-sda.raw --hostname fedora-riscv-jh  --root-password password:redhat --firstboot-command 'useradd -m -G wheel foo; echo -e "redhat\nredhat" | passwd foo --stdin'
virt-filesystems --long -h --all -a Fedora-Developer-38-20230825.n.0-sda.raw

sudo rpm -ivh --force --nodeps
sudo chown qemu -R /usr/share/uboot/qemu-riscv64*

start fedora riscv64 VM:

vm create fedora-rv64 --noauto --nocloud \
    --arch riscv64 \
    --msize 4096 \
    -i Fedora-Developer-38-20230825.n.0-sda.raw \
    --qemu-opts "-bios /usr/share/uboot/qemu-riscv64_spl/u-boot-spl.bin \
                 -device loader,file=/usr/share/uboot/qemu-riscv64_spl/u-boot.itb,addr=0x80200000"

## boot up fail with same steps


  • Where’s the addr=0x80200000 come from??
    It might be an hardcode location while building.. according => risc-v-sbi-and-full-boot-process
    yes, it’s realy ugly. hope it can support bootup with edk2-riscv instead “hardcode load address in command line”!

  • Does these distro-build images support UEFI/edk2-riscv??
    seems not yet, I have not boot up success with edk2-riscv64 pkg

<to be continued>

command line examples by using kiss-vm, virt-install and qemu-system-riscv64 (2022-08-20)

host prepare (Fedora-36.x86-64): install qemu libvirt …

curl -s|sudo bash && sudo vm prepare

download fedora riscv image download-url


start fedora riscv64 VM:

  • kiss-vm
    vm create fedora-rv64 \
      --arch riscv64 \
      --boot kernel=/home/my/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-fw_payload-uboot-qemu-virt-smode.elf \
      -i ~/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-sda.raw \
      --qemu-opts "-bios none"
  • virt-install
    virt-install --name fedora-riscv \
       --qemu-commandline='-bios none' \
       --arch riscv64 \
       --machine virt \
       --vcpus 8 \
       --memory 2048 \
       --os-variant fedora30 \
       --boot kernel=/home/my/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-fw_payload-uboot-qemu-virt-smode.elf \
       --import \
       --disk path=./Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-sda.raw \
       --network network=default
  • qemu-system-riscv64
    qemu-system-riscv64 \
      -nographic \
      -machine virt \
      -smp 8 \
      -m 2G \
      -kernel ~/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-fw_payload-uboot-qemu-virt-smode.elf \
      -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 \
      -device virtio-rng-device,rng=rng0 \
      -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 \
      -drive file=/home/my/Fedora-Developer-Rawhide-20200108.n.0-sda.raw,format=raw,id=hd0 \
      -device virtio-net-device,netdev=usernet \
      -netdev user,id=usernet,hostfwd=tcp::10000-:22 \
      -bios none

post config

change password

sed -i -e '/password *requisite/s/^/#/' -e '/password *sufficient/s/use_authtok//' /etc/pam.d/system-auth
{ echo redhat; echo redhat; } | passwd --stdin root

sshd allow Root login

sed -i -e '/# Authentication:/s/$/\nPermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl restart sshd


yum remove iw* qemu* epiphany cheat -y
dnf upgrade --best -y

resize partition

growpart /dev/vda 4
resize2fs /dev/vda4

update u-boot boot menu after kernel updated

# add new label in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf