tcler's blog --- 其实我是一个程序员
Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.

bash 并行(parallel-process-in-bash)


Use wait built-in command with &

while read url; wget -q $url &; done <url.list

# 缺点: 任务的stdout/stderr会混在一起; 没有并行任务数量限制
#       都需要自己编码解决
# 相似方案: 使用 screen ,不过使用 screen 就不能用 wait 了


Use xargs command

xargs -n 1 -P 4 -I{} wget -q {} < list.txt
# Use the -n option or the -L option with -P; otherwise chances are that only one exec will be done.

# 缺点: 任务的stdout/stderr会混在一起
# 优点: 可以用 -P 选项限制并行任务数量


Use GNU/parallel command

parallel -j 4 wget -q {} < list.txt

# 缺点: 有些 OS 好像默认没有这个包,RHEL/CentOS 需要加 epel 源:
# yum install -y
# yum install -y


Use tmux (or screen, note: screen is deprecated)

tmux new -s session_name1 -d "command line 1"
tmux new -s session_name2 -d "command line 2"
tmux new -s session_name3 -d "command line 3"
tmux new -s session_name4 -d "command line 4"
screen -S session_name -dm bash -c "command"