NetApp pnfs mds ds 配置
24 Aug 2017The way to know which is the MDS or the DS is depending on the configuration for each vserver.
To use pNFS on a particular vserser, the vserver should have at least two data LIFs on different nodes.
This is my configuration for one of my vsersers:
mora1::> network interface show -vserver vs1
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
data1 up/up mora1-01 e0d true
data2 up/up mora1-02 e0d true
2 entries were displayed.
Notice vserver vs1 has two LIFs. Now look at the volumes I have for vserver vs1:
mora1::> volume show -vserver vs1
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
vs1 rootvol1 aggr_1 online RW 1GB 971.9MB 5%
vs1 vol1 aggr_01 online RW 6GB 5.70GB 5%
vs1 vol2 aggr_02 online RW 10GB 9.50GB 5%
3 entries were displayed.
Of course volume rootvol1 is the root of the vserver so I created two volumes: vol1 and vol2,
where vol1 is in aggregate aggr_01 and vol2 is in aggregate aggr_02. Now look at the aggregates:
mora1::> storage aggregate show -aggregate aggr_01,aggr_02
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
aggr_01 7.03GB 1021MB 86% online 1 mora1-01 raid_dp,
aggr_02 10.55GB 502.8MB 95% online 1 mora1-02 raid_dp,
2 entries were displayed.
With this information, vol1 (junction path /vol1) which is in aggregate aggr_01 which in turn this
aggregate in owned by node mora1-01 and this node has a data LIF data1 (,
therefore mounting vol1 (using each of the data LIFs): – MDS: (server in mount command), DS: (vol1 is homed in – MDS: (server in mount command), DS: (vol1 is homed in
For volume vol2 (junction path /vol2) which is in aggregate aggr_02 which in turn this
aggregate is owned by node mora1-02 and this node has a data LIF data2 (,
therefore mounting vol2 (using each of the data LIFs): – MDS: (server in mount command), DS: (vol2 is homed in – MDS: (server in mount command), DS: (vol2 is homed in
In conclusion, to use pNFS you need at least two LIFs owned by different nodes and the MDS is always
the LIF you specify in the mount command and the DS is always the LIF where the volume you are mounting
is physically located.
Hope this helps.
NetApp MDS&DS configration point: "vserver are both MDS and DS"
如果需要测试MDS和DS,需要在一个VSM(vserser)上至少配置两对儿 LIF+volum,并且两个LIF分别属于两个Node
| vserver1 |
| |
| vol1 vol2 |
| LIF1(IP1) (IP2)LIF2 |
| |
+--v-----+ +----v---+
| Node1 | | Node2 |
+--------+ +--------+
mount IP1:/vol2 $nfsmp; dd if=/dev/zero of=$nfsmp/testfile bs=1b count=10000
抓包查看数据走的是不是 DS IP2
mount IP2:/vol1 $nfsmp; dd if=/dev/zero of=$nfsmp/testfile bs=1b count=10000
抓包查看数据走的是不是 DS IP1